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  • ფორუმელი
  On 6/5/2022 at 1:48 PM, Instance said:


ეს ნახეთ თქვენ სენიორ. :D

ოლივერ ვოლე იგივე როჟაა.

ამის მერე მოდი და გერმანიას ნუ აგინებ.


I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • ფორუმელი
  On 6/5/2022 at 1:57 PM, Instance said:

Berghof Foundation Caucasus Programme

With Georgia´s emerging prospect to join the European Union it is important that Georgia finds towards a truthful and fact-based understanding of its recent history. Georgian school books on history contain only few pages on the last 30 years history. There is neither a coverage about the Georgian Civil War nor about the wars in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The knowledge about these events is shockingly low, even amongst very educated young Georgians. There is also not an understanding about the political dynamics and the political concepts that lead to these outbursts of violence. 

But even on the very basic level of facts the situation can be rather warring. I recently encountered a group of Georgian students. Most of them did not know that the Abkhaz language exists. It was also a surprise to them that the Russian language is commonly spoken in Abkhazia. Being used to the superficial “Georgian and Abkhaz are brothers and sisters”-narrative they seriously believed that the Abkhaz population of Abkhazia speaks the Georgian language. At this meeting were also Georgians from Gali who were shocked by such a display of ignorance. An emerging intellectual Georgian leadership that knows about its own violent past and see also the suffering of other people like Abkhaz and South Ossetians will improve Georgia´s image in Europe.

In the discussion groups of the Berghof Foundation on the Georgian side our participants are listening to the interviews of Georgian AND Abkhaz people remembering the conflicts and the violence that occurred. It is an enormous transmission of information to them that creates a completely new insight into the relationships before – during – and after the Georgian-Abkhaz war. 

Often for the first time in their lives young Georgians are listening to voices of Abkhaz people understanding their perspective on the conflict and people´s needs. Young Georgians learn a lot from the interviews from Georgian and Abkhaz witnesses and that includes not only what languages Abkhaz people speak. 

Since 2021 the Berghof Foundation conducted 2330 discussion groups with more than 20.000 participants on the Georgian side. This is an enormous achievement by the Georgian team. However, these learning and education process that create understanding must become much bigger considering the size of the Georgian society. 

The Georgian educational system should find a way to address Georgia´s past since the 1990th including the civil war and the wars in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The current dominant narration to project Georgia and Georgian people purely as victims, shifting responsibility purely on external actors is neither accurate nor does it equip people and politicians to think about a realistic political path towards peace.

Dr. Oliver Wolleh



სისულელეა მაგრამ კავკასიურ ევროპოლიტიკაში ჯდება,

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  • ფორუმელი


  On 6/5/2022 at 2:06 PM, Seth said:

Since 2021 the Berghof Foundation conducted 2330 discussion groups with more than 20.000 participants on the Georgian side.


სენიორ საინტერესოა 20k ახალგაზრდიდან რამდენინაა დაზომბებული. თან გაითვალისწინეთ რომ ეს საზოგადოების აქტიური სეგმენტია.


საღოლ ძმაო:

Saakaschwili zur Verantwortung ziehen ...

Die Frage ist nun, welche politischen und juristischen Konsequenzen aus diesen Erkenntnissen gezogen werden sollen. Der Experte Oliver Wolleh von der Berghof-Stiftung für Konfliktforschung forderte bei einer Veranstaltung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, Georgiens Präsidenten Michail Saakaschwili müsse vor Gericht gestellt werden. Der Präsident habe schließlich auf die - nach georgischer Sichtweise - eigene Bevölkerung in Südossetien beschießen lassen. Nun sei die georgische Justiz am Zuge.

Wolleh nannte auch die Möglichkeit, Klage gegen Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag einzureichen. Denn Georgien habe das Statut von Rom, die Grundlage für den Gerichtshof, unterzeichnet, anders als Russland. Aber auch die Regierungen in der EU könnten nach Meinung von Wolleh Mittel nutzen - die Bewegungsfreiheit Saakaschwilis im Schengen-Raum einschränken und ihn zur Unperson erklären.

... und auch die russische Regierung?

Diese Vorschläge stoßen bei anderen Experten jedoch auf Bedenken. Uwe Halbach von der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin sagte, wenn man Georgien zur Verantwortung ziehen wolle, müsse man dies mit Russland ebenfalls tun. Doch werde dies in der Europäischen Union nicht durchzusetzen sein.

Auch der Koordinator der Bundesregierung für die deutsch-amerikanische Zusammenarbeit, Karsten Voigt, der dem Beirat der Untersuchungsmission angehörte, äußerte sich verhalten zu diesen Forderungen. Man müsse bedenken, über welche Hebel die EU verfüge. Auch sei die rechtliche Aufarbeitung nur ein Aspekt der Konfliktbereinigung. Es gehe immer noch darum, den Konflikt Georgiens mit den abtrünnigen Regionen zu beenden. Dabei müssten die beteiligten Seiten zu einem grundsätzlichen Sinneswandel bewegt werden, denn es gebe dort eher eine Kultur der Gewalt als des Multilateralismus.

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  • ფორუმელი
  On 6/5/2022 at 2:12 PM, Instance said:

სენიორ საინტერესოა 20k ახალგაზრდიდან რამდენინაა დაზომბებული.


არ ვიცი სენიორ. ალბათ უმრავლესობა მინიმუმ. 

მეორეს მხრივ, ამ პოლიტიკის გარდა რამე პოლიტიკა არსებობს (სადმე) აფხაზეთთან მიმართებაში?

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  • ფორუმელი


თომას გოლცი წიგნი Georgia Diary (ღირს წაკითხვად)

ეს 1998-ის გალში ეთნოწმენდას ეხება, მაგრამ კიდევ ბევრი რამის გამო ღირს წაკითხვად (თუ გექნება დრო გირჩევ)


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  • ფორუმელი
  On 6/5/2022 at 2:12 PM, Instance said:

საღოლ ძმაო:


გეუბნები რა.

ესენი არიან ბიჯო ჩვენი მფარველები? :D

  On 6/5/2022 at 2:19 PM, Instance said:


თომას გოლცი წიგნი Georgia Diary (ღირს წაკითხვად)

ეს 1998-ის გალში ეთნოწმენდას ეხება, მაგრამ კიდევ ბევრი რამის გამო ღირს წაკითხვად (თუ გექნება დრო გირჩევ)


საინტერესოა. ჩავუჯდები მაგასაც.

ისე ძაან საშინელი რამეა.

I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • ფორუმელი
Posted (შესწორებული)


  On 6/5/2022 at 2:17 PM, Seth said:

მეორეს მხრივ, ამ პოლიტიკის გარდა რამე პოლიტიკა არსებობს (სადმე) აფხაზეთთან მიმართებაში?


სენიორ ჩემი ძველი ნაწერია, აქაც გადმოვიტან

თუ არ დაგეზარებათ საინტერესო რაღაცეები მიწერია იმჰო

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Edited by Instance
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