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აშშ - ანუ რა ხდება რომში?


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Posted (შესწორებული)

დამწვარი ხიდის აღდგენა?  ამათი რა უნდა დაიჯერო ?

ჯო ბაიდენმა და ემანუელ მაკრონმა შესანიშნავი განცხადება გააკეთეს დაძაბული ზარის შემდეგ. ჯო ბაიდენმა სერიოზული მცდელობა ჩაატარა შეერთებულ შტატებსა და საფრანგეთს შორის დამწვარი ხიდის აღსადგენად. შეერთებული შტატების პრეზიდენტი ჯო ბაიდენი ოთხშაბათს საფრანგეთთან ემანუელ მაკრონთან  სატელეფონო საუბრისას დაძაბულობის განმუხტვაზე გადავიდა. ეს ნაბიჯი მას შემდეგ გადადგა რაც Aukus– ის უსაფრთხოების შეთანხმება დაიწყო  ავსტრალიას, დიდ ბრიტანეთსა და აშშ – ს შორის.

ზარის შემდეგ გამოქვეყნებულ ერთობლივ განცხადებაში ნაჩვენებია, რომ პრეზიდენტი ბაიდენი  აღარ გააკეთებს გარიგებებს პარიზის ზურგს უკან:rolf:

ექსპერტებმა განაცხადეს, რომ განცხადება "საოცრად შემრიგებელი" იყო ამერიკული მხარისთვის.

ბაიდენი  ოქტომბერში გაემგზავრა ევროპაში პრეზიდენტ მაკრონთან შესახვედრად. თუმცა, არც ოფიციალური ბოდიში იქნა ჩართული და არც რაიმე პრაქტიკული საშუალება - Aukus მაინც წავა წინ, როგორც დაგეგმილი იყო


აჰა შერიგდნენ  და ევროპიდან დაიწყო ამერიკამ ფიჩხის გაზიდვა :lool:

Edited by KOMBLE
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დღეს დილით რუსულმა ავიაციამ სირიის ჩრდილოეთში თურქული ძალების კონტროლქვეშ მყოფი აფრინის რეგიონში პრო-თურქული თურქმანული ჰამზას დივიზიის სპეციალური ოპერაციების ძალების ბაზა დაბომბა, რასაც 10 მებრძოლი ემსხვერპლა
რამდენიმე წუთის წინ სირია-თურქეთის საზღვარი ათეულობით მძიმე ტექნიკამ, მათ შორის თვითმავალი არტილერიისა და სატანკო ნაწილებმა გადაკვეთეს.
კოლონა იდლიბის სამხრეთში კონტაქტის ხაზის მიმდებარედ განლაგებული თურქული ბაზების მიმართულებით გადაადგილდება
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Goldman Sachs has become the latest bank to cut its China growth forecast, citing the country’s power crunch, now expecting zero gross domestic product growth in the third quarter. 



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Posted (შესწორებული)


ეს სტატია დაგაინტერესებთ სენიორ დარწმუნებული ვარ.


მაკრონზე გაცილებით სერიოზული და საინტერესო ხალხი ესწრებოდა. აი ძალიან რომ უყვართ თავისი privacy ;) ისეთები.

Edited by Seth
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1 საათის წინ, Seth said:

ეს სტატია დაგაინტერესებთ სენიორ დარწმუნებული ვარ.


მაკრონზე გაცილებით სერიოზული და საინტერესო ხალხი ესწრებოდა. აი ძალიან რომ უყვართ თავისი privacy ;) ისეთები.

მადლობა სენიორ.

კი საინტერესო ხალხი ჩანს)

ცოტა ხომ არ უგვიანდებათ

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Europe's power struggle over nuclear power


Will nuclear power help fight climate change? Not only the FDP and the Greens have opposing views. The question also divides the European Union. As a powerful supporter, the French president forges unusual alliances. It's about a lot of money. Also for Germany.

And Actually, the meeting was about international taxes and Europe's debt rules. But Bruno Le Maire wanted to talk about nuclear power. "Nuclear power is necessary to combat climate change," said the French super minister for economy and finance in September on the sidelines of the finance ministers' meeting in Brdo, Slovenia.

“Either we fight climate change ideologically blinded. Then we will fail, ”said the politician, who is said to have plans to run for the next but one presidential election in France. “Or we fight climate change on a scientific basis. Then we will succeed. But that also means that we recognize how useful nuclear power is in the fight against climate change. "


Le Maire took the opportunity to hit stakes before one of the big European issues of autumn picks up speed. Is nuclear power a sustainable option in the fight against climate change ? The EU wants to decide on this in the coming weeks. For the nuclear industry - above all the French - this determination determines the economic future.

The new rules are part of the so-called taxonomy, a kind of green bible that is supposed to determine which economic activities are sustainable from a climate point of view - and which are not. In future, it will always be consulted when banks and other investors decide how climate-friendly investments are.


In the coming years, the new regulations will have a major impact on where billions of investor money will go - and where not. And it will also decide how easily companies and states can finance nuclear power plants, reprocessing, final storage and the infrastructure related to nuclear power.

No wonder that France is vehemently advocating nuclear power in Brussels. Not only does the country's power supply depend largely on nuclear fission; the state also holds more than 80 percent of the highly indebted nuclear power plant operator EDF.

Other states, on the other hand, strongly oppose nuclear power - even among their neighbors. These are the factions in Europe's nuclear power struggle:

The strict opponents of nuclear power

Germany, where the resistance to nuclear power is deeply rooted in the population, is one of the staunch opponents of nuclear power at EU level. Not only that Germany is pulling out of nuclear power and will shut down the last remaining nuclear power plants in the coming months. The previous federal government is also fighting for an end to nuclear power at the international level.

At the European level, for example, Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze has called for nuclear power not to be given the “sustainable” seal of approval. “Nuclear energy is a high-risk technology - but wind power is not. This fundamental difference has to be taken into account, ”says a letter from ministers from five EU countries to the EU Commission.


The EU Commission is in a quandary: Your scientific advisors have determined that nuclear power is sustainable and does not cause any major damage. On this basis, the nuclear power authority would have to give the okay.

That would, however, dupe Germany. Unless the next federal government positions itself less vehemently against nuclear power in other countries. The FDP believes, for example, that new technologies could make nuclear power possible without contaminated waste. A position that will still play a role in the explorations between the Greens and Liberals.


A look at the other signatories already shows which countries at EU level also belong to the anti-nuclear group. Austria is probably the most committed comrade. And not just since the Greens co-governed there.

For years, Austria has been one of the countries that has been particularly vehement against nuclear power at the European level. In terms of energy policy, Vienna is easy because the country gets around 60 percent of its electricity from hydropower. Luxembourg, Denmark and Spain are also among the EU opponents of nuclear power.

Inventory keeper and builder

Opposite them is a group of countries that already operate nuclear power plants and in some cases are even planning new buildings. France is the most influential representative of this group. This also includes the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia.


There are also plans for new nuclear power plants in Romania and Bulgaria . In Finland, a specific new building project is already being worked on. The tenor of these governments: Renewable energies are not enough to get away from dirty coal and less dirty natural gas as energy sources. The CO 2 -free nuclear power is also necessary.

The newcomer

In the past two years, since Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced her Green Deal and the EU countries agreed on new, tougher climate targets, many member states have rethought their energy policy. Also in Poland: The country now wants to get into nuclear power in the first place because of climate protection.

Germany's eastern neighbor believes that it will not be able to cope with the major energy-policy effort the country is facing in any other way. At the end of last year, the country generated 70 percent of its electricity needs in coal-fired power plants. If the country wants to achieve the ambitious EU climate targets, it has to get rid of the dirty coal in the next few years.

Warsaw believes that this transition will only work with the entry into nuclear power. Around a quarter of all electricity should come from renewables by the end of the decade. But that will not be enough for the energy transition. The country therefore intends to get into nuclear power by 2030 - and should drum up for nuclear power in Brussels.

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Lawmaker wants New Hampshire to declare independence


(The Center Square) – A New Hampshire lawmaker is pushing for a referendum asking the state's voters if they want to secede from the United States.

State Rep. Mike Sylvia, a Belmont Republican, said he has filed a proposed constitutional amendment that would ask voters in the 2022 midterm elections to break ties with Washington, D.C., and become a separate nation-state.

In an interview, Sylvia said he filed the measure in response to the federal government's actions to prevent spread of the coronavirus, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's eviction ban and more recently President Joe Biden's mandate requiring federal workers to get vaccinated.


"There are hundreds of examples of the federal government overstepping its authority," he told The Center Square. "Enough is enough. We should put this before the voters to decide."

He said while succession would likely mean a loss of federal funding and other support from Washington, there would also be benefits for New Hampshire's residents, such as not having to pay a federal income tax. New Hampshire has no state income tax.

"We are a donor state that pays out more in federal income taxes than what we get back," Sylvia said.

If cleared for the ballot, the referendum would read: "New Hampshire peaceably declares independence from the United States and immediately proceeds as a sovereign nation. All other references to the United States in this constitution, state statutes, and regulations are nullified."

The long shot proposal, which was filed with the Office Of Legislative Services, would need to be considered in the next legislative session that gets underway in January.

To make it to the ballot, the measure would need to be approved by a 60% vote in the GOP-controlled House and Senate before it could be put before voters in the 2022 elections.

Under state law, it wouldn't require approval from Republican Gov. Chris Sununu.

The move is backed by a conservative group called Liberty Block, which says New Hampshire voters haven't had the chance to "reevaluate" their relationship with the federal government in hundreds of years.

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