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I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • მოდერატორი
ონლაინ, t-90 said:

არც ეს გადადის.

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  • ფორუმელი
19 minutes წინ, Seth said:

ლინკი არ გადადის თემაზე სენიორ რატომღაც


21 minutes წინ, Houston said:

ქალი რომელიც ქართულ კულტურაში იგივე რაც თენგიზ კიტოვანი პოლიტიკაში


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  • ფორუმელი


ზვიადელები რო არაადეკვატურები არ ივნენ :D

I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • ფორუმელი

დამოუკიდებლობის სურვილი გაჩნდა და გაღვივდა იმის მერე რაც სტალინისტური გამოსვლები დახვრიტეს 1956-ში.

ის თაობა ვინც ახალგაზრდა ან ბავშვი იყო ან მერე დაიბადა, უკვე საბჭოთა რეჟიმთან ან ცინიკურ გამომყენებლობითი დამოკიდებულება ჰქონდა ან ერთეულები იყვნენ ვინც ნეგატიური, მაგრამ ამან მოკლედ რწმენა საბჭოთა ხელისუფლებაში მოსპო, ოღონდ უკვე შემდეგი სტალინის მიმართაც ცინიკური იყო.


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  • ფორუმელი
Posted (შესწორებული)

An unorthodox historical study, glorifying the independent and anti‐Bolshevik state of Georgia before it was absorbed into the Soviet Union, has stirred a political scandal in Georgia by its bold challenge to the Kremlin's policy on national minorities.


The Communist party, engaged in a campaign to emphasize the solidarity of the diverse ethnic groups in this vast country, has issued a decree condemning the author of the work, the publishing house editor who let it pass, and several academic and party officials who had endorsed the controversial book.


Georgia, one of the Transcaucasian Republics of the Soviet Union, has displayed its individualism in the past, but rarely, in recent years, in so open and anti‐Bolshevik manner.


Not only in Georgia, but in the Baltic republics and in the Ukraine, Soviet authorities are seeking to contain strong nationalist feelings. The Kremlin tolerates cultural differences that are “ethnic in form and socialist in content,” according to a common slogan.

Author Is Historian

But nationalisms have frequently attempted to break out of that mold and have on occasion assumed a pronounced non‐Communist or even anti‐Communist character. Historical studies, such as the one in Georgia, have often been vehicles for expressing such feelings.

The author, a reputable historian, was ordered deprived of a doctoral degree that had been awarded to him last year on the basis of his published book. But by recanting their political errors, he and his editor were saved from expulsion from the party.

The details of the scandal, which reached into the republic's Institute of Party History, appeared in a recent issue of the Georgian party daily Zarya Vostoka, now available in Moscow.

Use of Sources Denounced

A party decree published in the newspaper's April 27 issue said the author of the controversial book, Ushangi I. Sidamonidze, had made virtually no use of Bolshevik sources and had relied mainly on the writings of Mensheviks, the Bolsheviks’ foes, who ruled the independent Georgian state from 1873 to 1921

Mr. Sidamonidze was accused of having presented Menshevik views “objectivistically” in some cases, meaning that he offered them as they were without subjecting them to the critical treatment required of good Communist authors.


The controversial book, titled “Historiography of The Bourgeois Democratic Movement and of the Victory of the Socialist Revolution in Georgia (1877–1921),” appears to have been a crucial political issue in Georgia for some time.

The recent party decree said neither the author nor the Georgian Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, with which the author was associated, had heeded criticism of the published book that had been voiced at a Georgian party congress in Spring, 1971.


რამდენადაც ჩემს წინაპრებთან მეგობრობდა ეს კაცი შემიძლია ვთქვა რომ სიმართლე წერია ამ NYT-ის 1972-ის სტატიაში

ნუ ამ თემაში ნახსენები თვითგამოცხადებული დისიდენტებიდან არავინ ედგა მხარში.

ისევ პარტიულებთან ნაცნობობამ იხსნა

Edited by Instance
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