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ჩვენი ფორუმიც  ამათ ძრავაზეა.

დეტალები IPS Community Suite 4.5.3  

IPS Community Suite 4.5.3

Released 10/05/2020

Key Changes

We are pleased to announce that Invision Community 4.5 is now available and packed with new features, enhancements, and even a new look! 

Major New Features / Enhancements

New Front-End Design
AdminCP Dark Mode
Site StatisticsSearch Insights, and Club Statistics
Marketplace now built into the AdminCP
Mobile App for iOS and Android (Beta)
Zapier Integration for Invision Cloud Communities

In addition to these new enhancements, there are countless other additions and improvements. Check out our product blog to see what we have been up to.

Before Upgrading
Before proceeding with your upgrade, please note that all third party resources are disabled during the upgrade process. We strongly recommend ensuring that all of your installed applications, plugins and themes have Invision Community 4.5 compatible updates available to allow continued use. 

Please see the full release notes for other important changes, feature removals and deprecations.

Additional Information


The following items have been marked as deprecated in Invision Community 4.5. This means that while they currently work, they will be removed in a future version and will no longer receive bug reports.


  • Authorize.net Payment Gateway.
  • Web Hosting & Domain support.


  • BBCode parsing support - upgrading users will be asked during upgrade if they wish to retain BBCode parsing support, while new installations will have the option off by default.
  • APC, Memcache, Wincache and Xcache caching engines , we recommend using Redis instead

Feature Removal

The following features have been removed in Invision Community 4.5.


  • We will no longer address any issues specific to Internet Explorer 11 and below and will not ensure compatibility with those versions.
  • ImageProxy has been removed. On upgrade, there is an option to restore the original remote image links, or direct links to the cached image which will be retained.


  • REST API 'files' response in REST API, see /downloads/files/{id}/download instead.

Latest Changes


  • Fixed an error when upgrading from IPB3.
  • Added a safe search option for Pixabay.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.15.
  • Set highest compatible Elastic Search version to 7.6.2
  • Fixed a potential JavaScript error when the "Maximum image dimensions to display" setting is set to blank.
  • Fixed an issue with certain type-ahead fields, such as the "Allowed file extensions" setting in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an error that can occur with certain URLs during the image proxy removal background task.
  • Fixed an issue where guests are able to post in public clubs.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when attempting to join a club that requires rules to be acknowledged.
  • Fixed missing Club Members page pagination.
  • Fixed an issue where a user can reach the change password page under Account Settings by visiting the URL directly even if they are unable to set a local password.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicated HTML menu IDs could lead to moderating an unintended review or comment.
  • Fixed CSV Chart Export resulting in an CSRF error.
  • Fixed license key expiry notification "Check Again" button producing a CSRF error.
  • Fixed an upgrade error that can occur with certain table prefixes.
  • Fixed an error when exporting members with custom fields.
  • Fixed an error setting the default application if no existing application is set as the default.
  • Fixed an error running the UTF8MB4 conversion step from the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an error that can occur when very long status updates or replies are rebuilt following the 4.5.x upgrade.
  • Fixed an issue where posts outside of the current topic could show in the popular posts section of the new topic summary sidebar.
  • Fixed the s3Delete task throwing an error if Theme resources were changed to a different file storage configuration.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to embed external media with the allow remote images setting disabled.
  • Fixed an issue when installing/updating applications with bundled Pages Templates.
  • Fixed an issue displaying the progress for the background task that prunes large tables.
  • Fixed tasks for plugins not working in Community in the Cloud.
  • Fixed an issue where AdminCP theme resources & CSS may not be cleaned up.
  • Fixed a CSRF error when paginating through search statistics in the AdminCP.
  • Removed the ability to add a demo site to the mobile app directory.
  • Removed an invalid "Hide (user) signature" option when the user is unable to ignore a given member.
  • Fixed a UI issue with messages where the background of the header would sometimes be incorrectly colored.


  • Fixed link to "Edit Templates" when adding or editing a database reloading the page.
  • Fixed a potential undefined variable error while IN_DEV.
  • Fixed an error adding a record to a database not embedded into a page.
  • Fixed an error running the background task to remove the image proxy from Pages databases that have content fields which do not hold textual content (i.e. Date fields set as the content field).


  • Fixed an issue where clicking through tabs while configuring a custom product on an invoice may result in the group being reset.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting client notes failed because of a csrf error.
  • Fixed an error applying a tax rate to a custom package when generating an invoice in the AdminCP.
  • Added missing "Consumer" and "Business" options when entering addresses during checkout with business tax rates enabled.
  • The legacy referrals section will now redirect to the new location in the system application.


  • Fixed an issue where restricted moderators with permission are unable to view topics in forums that do not allow topics to be viewed by other users.
  • Fixed an issue where topics with thousands of replies can be slow to load.
  • Fixed a potential timeout attempting to delete topics if old invalid remote archive database credentials are stored.
  • Fixed the clearincompletemembers task locking if an old remote archive database was configured but is no longer available.
  • Fixed an issue where forums may not load in the GraphQL API.


  • Fixed an issue where linked files and screenshots may not be handled properly when submitting new versions.
  • Fixed an issue where topics with thousands of replies can be slow to load.
  • Fixed an issue with topic meta data bubbles showing the topic author as having performed moderator actions in some cases.
  • Fixed an error that can occur if an invalid post is marked as the solution for a topic.


  • Fixed a potential SQL error when upgrading.
  • Fixed an error that can occur if a blog entry is moved between blogs.


  • Fixed an error downloading video files when downloaded images are set to be watermarked.
  • Fixed a timeout issue that can occur when rebuilding Gallery images.
  • Fixed an issue where long, unbroken image names could stretch gallery widgets on mobiles.


  • Fixed an issue where editing an all day calendar event may result in the event shifting forward or backward by one day on the edit form.
  • Fixed an issue where repeating events may range on multiple days incorrectly.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Fixed hooks.json not being rebuilt after deleting a plugin hook.


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  • ფორუმელი

სქინები არ უვარგა თორე ძრავი კარგია  პრაქტიკულია.



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  • ფორუმელი
10 minutes წინ, eL said:

სქინები არ უვარგა თორე ძრავი კარგია  პრაქტიკულია.

ჩვენსას თუ ზოგადად? არჩევანი დიდი არაა ნამდვილად. გეთანხმები...



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  • ფორუმელი
1 საათის წინ, mulan said:


IPS-ს სქინები  არ მევუასება და არჩევანიც არაა დიდი  

ისე შესაძბელებია  ჩასწორებები დიზაინში 



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  • ფორუმელი
22 minutes წინ, eL said:

IPS-ს სქინები  არ მევუასება და არჩევანიც არაა დიდი  

ისე შესაძბელებია  ჩასწორებები დიზაინში 

ხო მარა ტვინს იმასშვრება ეგ პროცესი... 



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