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British rapper MF Doom has died, his wife, Jasmine, shared on Instagram on Thursday.

In a post on his verified Instagram account, Jasmine said he died on Oct. 31. No cause of death was revealed. He was 49 years old.


"To Dumile, The greatest husband, father, teacher, student, business partner, lover and friend I could ever ask for," she wrote, referring to his real name, Daniel Dumile. "Thank you for all the things you have shown, taught and given to me, our children and our family. Thank you for teaching me how to forgive beings and give another chance, not to be so quick to judge and write off. Thank you for showing how not to be afraid to love and be the best person I could ever be. My world will never be the same without you. Words will never express what you and Malachi mean to me, I love both and adore you always. May THE ALL continue to bless you, our family and the planet."





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