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25 ივნისის შემდეგ გაუჩინარებული ჩსრ-ს ტოლი საგარეო მინისტრი, ტოლი ტოპ დიპლომატი (ზუსტად არ ვიცი როგორ ქვია პოზიციას), დღეს მოხსნილად გამოაცხადეს :დ

China’s rubber-stamp parliament on Tuesday removed Foreign Minister Qin Gang from power after his unexplained month-long absence from public view sparked intense speculation and online rumors.

Wang Yi, who outranks Qin and serves as President Xi Jinping’s top foreign policy aide, was reinstated as foreign minister, according to a short statement made on China’s state broadcaster, CCTV. He previously served in the role from 2013 to December 2022.

Qin is presumed to be under liuzhi – retention in custody – a regulated and “legalized” system for disappearances and holding of Chinese Communist Party members, state functionaries, those within academia, state-owned enterprises or state-media, local contractors, or anyone related to any of the above. :gigi: პოლუსი :facepalm:

Qin, China’s ambassador to the United States before his ascension to the foreign minister role in December, had developed personal relationships with his foreign counterparts that will have to be rebuilt.

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დემოკრატიის შუქურებისაგან განსხვავებით სადაც ცხვირი შეყვეს ყველგან ეკონომიკური აღმავლობა დაიწყო.

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