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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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“I welcome that the European allies are investing more in defense, and NATO has called for that for many, many years,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters at the alliance’s Brussels headquarters, where he was chairing a meeting of the organization’s defense ministers.

“But that’s not an alternative to NATO. That is actually a way to strength NATO. And we should not pursue any path that indicates that we are trying to divide Europe from North America,” he said

საიდან მოიტანა, რა უცნაური კაცია :boli:

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Plea for European arms industry

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calls for the development of a European arms industry. The European taxpayer and the labor market should benefit from the investments.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to use the EU states' growing investments in weapons, ammunition and soldiers to build a new European defense industry. “We have a very fragmented defense market and that has to change,” von der Leyen told the Financial Times (“FT”). “We have to invest more, we have to invest better and we have to invest in Europe,” said von der Leyen. European tax money should also be spent in Europe.      



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  • მოდერატორი
6 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calls for the development of a European arms industry. The European taxpayer and the labor market should benefit from the investments.

აქ ვინმე გერას საფორთზე ხო არ მუშაობს? მომდევნო ვადა ტკბილია ხო :დ

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  • ფორუმელი
Posted (შესწორებული)
2 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

“We Europeans must take much more care of our own security, now and in the future,” Scholz said.



ტკბილია კანცლერობა :seth:

პ.ს. კეფას უნდა გაუფრთხილდეს ეს, თორემ ანას და ლენას არ სძინავთ :დ

Edited by Seth
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