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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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  • ფორუმელი
Posted (შესწორებული)
35 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

ოჰო, ბრიტანეთის გამცილებელი? :დ



7 minutes წინ, Houston said:

გერო ასიანი პაპიდას უდღნავს




Edited by Seth
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  • ფორუმელი

ჰაჰ ვემზადებით 2025 სთვის :givi:

This is what happened: The Düsseldorf judges decided that the demolition costs for a long-shutdown power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia, the Hamm-Uentrop plant, should be paid by the operating company. The company refused. It was of the opinion that the federal and state governments should pay for the demolition and dismantling because this was stipulated in a framework agreement. The regional court saw it differently. The operating company can now appeal, but a lot of time will pass before the higher regional court makes a decision. So far, so unspectacular. 

But what happened this week may also make the case significant for the rest of the country: According to the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy, Mona Neubaur (Greens), the operating company has announced that it is close to bankruptcy as a result of the ruling. It cannot raise the roughly one billion euros that the demolition would cost. The state must now step in and commission companies to organize the demolition of the plant instead of the operating company. This means that the scrapped nuclear power plant is becoming a legacy for the state - or the federal government. In any case, Neubaur announced in a parliamentary committee in the Düsseldorf state parliament that he would pass the billion-euro bill on to the federal government - which will be thanked, however. 

The demolition is regulated as follows: According to the Federal Environment Ministry, three of the 33 nuclear power plants that were once in operation have already been completely dismantled. Once it has started, such a process takes around ten to twelve years. In the case of Hamm-Uentrop, however, there has been a long dispute about the costs of demolition. The reactor, which only ran for three years in trial operation, has been idle since 1989.  

And sometimes it takes longer and is correspondingly more expensive: The Niederaichbach nuclear power plant near Landshut was the first nuclear plant in Germany to be dismantled. The dismantling took almost 20 years - two and a half times as long as the construction time. The operators of nuclear power plants are now obliged to bear the costs of decommissioning and dismantling themselves and to set aside appropriate reserves for this. The case in North Rhine-Westphalia shows that this does not always work.

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  • ფორუმელი

ე.ი. გერომ ახალი პირუეტი დადო :დ

როგორც აღმოჩნდა, საყოველთაო კონსენსუსით, პატ. მიშელის დანიშვნით გერომ გააძლიერა მარინა :givi:


ეს თუ ასეა, სულ არ გამიკვირდება ტურინგია/საქსონიაში თუ ბებო გაცოფდება :old:

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  • ფორუმელი

afd sfd cdu bwsv grune bbv

ვინ არის ეს ხალხი? ამდენი რატოა?  რა უნდათ ?


ბაყაყებთანაც ესეთი პარტიული ორომტრიალია?

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  • ფორუმელი
10 minutes წინ, Houston said:


ცოფიანები სენიორ

10 minutes წინ, Houston said:



10 minutes წინ, Houston said:


ბავარია/ბად ვუტენბერგის კათოლიკები

11 minutes წინ, Houston said:


ძველი დდრ-ის ხალხია კომუნისტები

11 minutes წინ, Houston said:



12 minutes წინ, Houston said:

ბაყაყებთანაც ესეთი პარტიული ორომტრიალია?

იქ გახლავთ თუ გახლავთ სენიორ :givi:

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  • ფორუმელი

The German variant would be a total break with German foreign policy tradition," stresses security expert Markus Kaim: "But we are living in a turning point and are at the point where we have to throw certain assumptions of German foreign and security policy of the last 30 years overboard." Germany is now also supplying weapons to crisis areas.

The main problem with the German variant is that it is currently not legally possible to have nuclear weapons of our own. Germany would have to withdraw from the Non-Proliferation Treaty and ultimately also terminate the Treaty on German Unity, the so-called Two Plus Four Treaty, says Kaim. This is because Germany's renunciation of nuclear weapons was confirmed in this treaty.

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