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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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 ის როგორ იყო წითელ ხაზებზე ? :givi:

ხუტააა გუშინ რომ იყვნენ ისინი არიან ისევ.

Keir Starmer seeks a new start with Europe and relies on strong bilateral relations

The new British Prime Minister is actively engaging with Germany and France. A friendship treaty is intended to bring Berlin and London closer together - but the Briton wants to stay away from European regulations.

Compared to his predecessor, Keir Starmer is in a hurry. Just a few weeks after his election, the British Prime Minister visited Berlin and Paris. He has thus sought contact with the European continent much more quickly than his conservative predecessor Rishi Sunak. His trip to Berlin on Wednesday and to Paris on Thursday brought him together with Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the fifth time and with President Emmanuel Macron for the fourth time.

Starmer has already expressed his intention to seek a fresh start with Europe on several occasions. However, the Briton made it clear once again in Berlin that he does not want to reverse Brexit or lead his country back into the European single market or the customs union. Starmer is looking for a middle way, which also includes better bilateral relations with the most important EU member states.

The aim is to "open a new chapter" with Germany in particular, as Starmer put it in Berlin on Wednesday. The two governments want to negotiate a cooperation agreement in the coming months, which is to be signed at the beginning of next year.

According to a joint statement by Scholz and Starmer, the focus is on "foreign policy cooperation for peace and security," which is likely to relate primarily to the war in Ukraine. Great Britain and Germany are by far the most generous supporters of Kyiv in Europe. Closer cooperation in the interests of economic growth and the fight against irregular migration are also mentioned among the top priorities.

Both are issues that have been of particular concern to British politics since Brexit: the economy is doing poorly and the number of migrants crossing the English Channel to Great Britain is constantly breaking new records. Cooperation and exchange are also to be deepened in other areas, such as the mobility of young people. But Starmer also drew limits there. He made it clear that the country would not participate in an EU youth mobility program that Brussels wants to expand with Great Britain.

By visiting Berlin and Paris, Starmer sounded out the different positions on this issue. Strengthening the EU in defense matters is a key concern of the French president; Berlin is more cautious in this regard. It remains to be seen how the British willingness to cooperate more closely with Europe will materialize. The EU internal market is playing an increasingly important role, particularly in the area of defense - which also limits the participation of Great Britain as a third country.

Edited by Deutschland
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Great Britain is turning its attention back to Europe – and is planning a security pact with the EU. What would that achieve?

The new Labour government wants to cooperate more closely with the EU on defence issues. But the plan must first overcome a number of hurdles.

The days when Brexit sparked fears of a split in the West are over. Rather, the geopolitical situation is currently increasing the willingness for security and defense cooperation on both sides of the English Channel.

On the European mainland, it is known that the United Kingdom, which is armed with nuclear weapons, plays an important role in such considerations. In London, Europe is once again enjoying a higher priority.

In 2021, Brexit Britain under Boris Johnson had proclaimed its turn to Asia in the strategy paper "Global Britain". But after the Russian attack, London and Brussels pulled together in supporting Kyiv and imposing sanctions against Moscow. Under Rishi Sunak, the Conservative government stated in an update to the document last year that the "overriding priority" for the country's security was once again the Euro-Atlantic area.

Now, with Labour leader Keir Starmer, a prime minister has come to power who wants to further intensify security cooperation with the EU and even formalize it in a pact. During his first trip abroad to the NATO summit in Washington, Starmer lobbied European allies for closer cooperation with the EU. Starmer wants to continue the talks at the meeting of the European Political Community in Oxfordshire on Thursday.

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4 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

არჩევნების შედეგები


ამის დასადებად შემოვედი სენიორ.


ჩვენს მიერ ნაწინასწარმეტყველები კოალიაციის იმასქნა ოფიციალურად გამოცხადდა კიმბრლენდში...



გააჩნია მეორე და მესამე ადგილებს ნაციონალური მასშტაბით... ის არ მოხდეს რომ ....

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უი უი, კერავენ პლაშებს? :givi:

მაგრამ, საქსონია და ტიურინგენი რამდენადაა ობიექტური საზომი? @Deutschland

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  • ფორუმელი
16 minutes წინ, Seth said:

ჩვენს მიერ ნაწინასწარმეტყველები კოალიაციის იმასქნა ოფიციალურად გამოცხადდა კიმბრლენდში...

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