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წამოვიდა ჩიპები კონტინენტზე

"Silicon Saxony" must continue to prove itself

The highly subsidized settlement of TSMC has given many hope for a further upturn in the chip industry in East Germany. But the bright forecasts could be too high.

Ten billion euros for a single location: That is a bold investment. With the promise that the German state will cover half of the huge sum, TSMC boss CC Wei today laid the foundation stone for the chip manufacturer's new factory in the north of Dresden - in the presence of political celebrities: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Chancellor Olaf Scholz were also present."The largest microchip manufacturer in the world is coming to our continent and joining forces with three European champions," said von der Leyen at the event. The benefits will be felt far beyond Dresden and Saxony.The European industry will benefit from more reliable supply chains and new products tailored to its needs. "In times of growing geopolitical tensions, TSMC will also benefit from geographical diversification to Europe," stressed von der Leyen.

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A $2 Trillion Reckoning Looms as Ports Become Pawns in Geopolitics


The gateways to global trade face costly conversions to retool in new era of rivalry, automation and green energy


For centuries, control of the world’s biggest shipping centers helped expand empires, spark and settle wars, ease poverty and build middle classes while giving international companies access to cheap workers and cash-flush consumers in distant markets.


Along the way, maritime ports evolved from trading posts and naval bases into economies within economies that supercharged globalization, becoming vital junctions for energy flows, hubs for infrastructure like rail lines and power stations, and clusters for industrial production, warehousing and distribution.


Now, both old and new gateways for seaborne commerce⁠— responsible for handling 80% of the world’s $25 trillion in annual merchandise trade⁠—are economic fortresses in the great-power struggles of a multipolar world.


Meantime, they’re having to undergo costly and painstaking conversions to digital technologies, automation and green energy with a price tag estimated at €200 billion ($216 billion) a year in new investment, for a total of €2 trillion over the next decade.

“It’s now much clearer that ports are geopolitical assets and that emphasis hasn’t always been there,” said Peter de Langen, the owner and principal consultant of Ports & Logistics Advisory, based in Malaga, Spain.

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The government is planning massive support for the arms industry. A new strategy is intended to remove obstacles. How far will the red carpet be rolled out?

The German government has set itself the goal of massively supporting the German arms industry. To ensure this, work is currently underway on a "National Security and Defense Strategy," the draft of which was recently published on Politico .

Many of the proposals and demands that have been circulating for some time are being taken up there in order to roll out the red carpet for the arms industry.

Although most of the projects are currently little more than declarations of intent, even if only parts of them are implemented, this would provide considerable tailwind for the "security and defense industry" (SVI)

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"100 შავი და 100 წითელი ჭიანჭველა რომ მოვათავსოთ ქილაში, არაფერი მოხდება. 


მაგრამ თუ ამ ქილას ძლიერად შეანჯღრევთ, ჭიანჭველები დაიწყებენ ერთმანეთის ხოცვას.


წითლები შავებს თავიანთ მტრებად მიიჩნევენ, ხოლო შავები წითლებს. 


სინამდვილეში ნამდვილი მტერი ის არის, ვინც ამ ქილას ანჯღრევს.


ასე ხდება ადამიანებშიც. 


ასე რომ, სანამ ადამიანები ერთმანეთს თავს დაესხმებიან, უნდა იფიქრონ, ვინ ანჯღრევს ქილას?!"


თავდაპირველად იყო სიტყვაი და სიტყვაი იყო ღმრთისა თანა და ღმერთი იყო სიტყვაი იგი ...

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ძაან დიდი გარღვევააა ეს.

This safe nuclear power plant even destroys nuclear waste

The start-up Transmutex is planning to build a plant that will use a particle accelerator to split atomic nuclei and burn highly radioactive waste. Will it deliver on its promises?

The Swiss company Transmutex is working on a reactor that could improve the bad image of nuclear energy . This machine is designed to generate energy by converting a large part of the highly toxic waste from today's nuclear power plants into short-lived isotopes that would have to be buried in a deep geological repository for a manageable 500 years, rather than hundreds of thousands of years.

Instead of uranium, which would perhaps be used up in around 100 years with current reactor technologies, thorium, which is inexhaustible on a human timescale, would be used as nuclear fuel. And serious accidents like those in Chernobyl or Fukushima would be ruled out due to the design.

The development of this new type of nuclear power plant is already very advanced, and various institutes have already demonstrated the essential technological aspects, according to the company's website. "All that remains is to combine the various technologies into a functioning whole."

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Emmanuel Macron sparks chaos by refusing to appoint PM from Left-wing coalition (msn.com)

ყველაზე ძალიან ეს მომეწონა

“The madman at the Elysée dissolves the Assembly on a whim, then sits on the results of the elections. The people must reject Macron, in the name of democracy. He is the cause of chaos and instability.”



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