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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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ვგრძნობ ამათზე გადატყდება მთელი ჯოხი. 

Europe’s economy is growing – but not the German one

Statisticians have identified a slight increase in the Eurozone this spring, and the economy is stable. But that does not apply to all countries.

The economy in the Eurozone grew slightly again in the spring. Gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 0.3 percent in the months April to June compared to the first quarter, as reported by the EU statistics office Eurostat. This confirms a flash estimate. At the beginning of the year, the economy in the 20 countries of the common currency area had already grown by 0.3 percent.

Habeck also refers to China

Despite the poor development, the Federal Ministry of Economics had recently expected minimal growth in 2025. Next year, an increase of 0.5 percentage points is expected . However, Economics Minister Robert Habeck has now admitted that the weakness of the German economy is more persistent than the traffic light government had assumed. The recovery has been delayed again and again, although improvements have been in sight on several occasions, said the Green politician.

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