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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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განსაკუთრებული არაფერი სენიორ. იჭერენ სუყველას, მაგრამ ზოგადად რა თქმა უნდა მისახედია სტრატეგიულად.

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  • ფორუმელი

რა ხთეფა სენიორეს ? :spy:

ავსტრია რუსული გაზის მიღებას 2027 წლისთვის შეწყვეტს

ერთ-ერთი მიზეზი, რის გამოც ავსტრია რუსულ გაზზე უარს ამბობს, არის ის, რომ მოსკოვის საწვავის გაყიდვიდან მიღებული თანხა უკრაინის წინააღმდეგ ომის დასაფინანსებლად გამოიყენება. ავსტრიის მთავრობა, ასევე, მიიჩნევს, რომ რუსულ გაზზე დამოკიდებულება ავსტრიის ეკონომიკას საფრთხეს უქმნის. ბოლო მონაცემებით, რუსული ბუნებრივი აირი ავსტრიის მილსადენებში არსებული გაზის მთლიანი მოცულობის 80-90%-ს შეადგენს, ხოლო “გაზპრომისთვის” გასულ წელს ვენის მიერ გადარიცხული თანხა შესაძლოა, 4 მლრდ ევროს შეადგენდეს.

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  • ფორუმელი
6 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:

რა ხთეფა სენიორეს ? :spy:


არაფერი განსაკუთრებული სენიორ, მესიჯია ლოთთან რომ მალე, როცა მოლაპარაკების დრო მოვა ბევრი არ იმასქნას :დ

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  • ფორუმელი


French General Wants to Cut Crazy Red Tape to Move Troops Around Europe Faster - Politico

If Europe wants to deter potential Russian aggression, it will have to get much better at moving tanks, troops and ammunition across the continent, a top French general told Politico.

During the Cold War, countries got used to moving military equipment, and the task was “very simple” then, but “it has gradually become extremely complex,” said General Bertrand Toujouz, who heads the French army’s newly created land command in Europe.

“It is absolutely necessary to put military mobility back into the European consciousness, and for that we need practice,” he added, speaking from his office in Lille.

If Russia were to attack a NATO country, European and American soldiers would need to get to the alliance’s eastern flank as quickly as possible.

However, obstacles to rapid movement include lengthy and fragmented administrative processes for transporting military equipment across borders, insufficient infrastructure – including bridges and tunnels – to move armored vehicles, and a shortage of transport vehicles such as rail cars.

The French army learned the hard way how difficult it is to cross Europe in the spring of 2022, when it moved a battalion to Romania in response to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

(!) “We discovered the scale of the administrative red tape. There’s a war going on in Ukraine, and customs officials explain that you don’t have the required axle tonnage and that your tanks are not allowed to cross the German border. It’s just unbelievable,” recalls Tujuz.

Beyond the administrative burden, the soldiers lacked key skills. The French army, which has spent the last decades fighting in Afghanistan and the West African Sahel region, had not loaded military equipment onto trains for about 20 years, the general said.

Railway station managers at France’s national rail company SNCF were also in the dark.

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  • მოდერატორი
39 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:


French General Wants to Cut Crazy Red Tape to Move Troops Around Europe Faster - Politico

If Europe wants to deter potential Russian aggression, it will have to get much better at moving tanks, troops and ammunition across the continent, a top French general told Politico.

During the Cold War, countries got used to moving military equipment, and the task was “very simple” then, but “it has gradually become extremely complex,” said General Bertrand Toujouz, who heads the French army’s newly created land command in Europe.

“It is absolutely necessary to put military mobility back into the European consciousness, and for that we need practice,” he added, speaking from his office in Lille.

If Russia were to attack a NATO country, European and American soldiers would need to get to the alliance’s eastern flank as quickly as possible.

However, obstacles to rapid movement include lengthy and fragmented administrative processes for transporting military equipment across borders, insufficient infrastructure – including bridges and tunnels – to move armored vehicles, and a shortage of transport vehicles such as rail cars.

The French army learned the hard way how difficult it is to cross Europe in the spring of 2022, when it moved a battalion to Romania in response to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

(!) “We discovered the scale of the administrative red tape. There’s a war going on in Ukraine, and customs officials explain that you don’t have the required axle tonnage and that your tanks are not allowed to cross the German border. It’s just unbelievable,” recalls Tujuz.

Beyond the administrative burden, the soldiers lacked key skills. The French army, which has spent the last decades fighting in Afghanistan and the West African Sahel region, had not loaded military equipment onto trains for about 20 years, the general said.

Railway station managers at France’s national rail company SNCF were also in the dark.

სამხედრო შენგენი უნდა? :დ

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  • ფორუმელი
24 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

სამხედრო შენგენი უნდა? :დ

როგორც ჩანს სენიორ, ანუ ბაყაყები არმიის გაფუშვას ბოლომდე აპირებენ და ფორთოხლის დროს პიკში უნდა შევიდეს წესით. 

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