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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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  • ფორუმელი
5 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

სენიორ, მგონი ამჯერადაც მართალი იყავით, ბებოს სოსისების შეწვით გატაცებაზე :დ


უჭამია სარდელები :დ


პ.ს. არც კი სხცვენია ხალხში გამოჩენის :boli:

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  • მოდერატორი
1 minute წინ, Deutschland said:

სენიორ, როგორც ზემოთ დავდე, მთავარი საკითხია ეუს რეფორმა. 

On Tuesday, Macron will travel to Münster, where he will be awarded the Peace of Westphalia Prize. The state visit will then continue on Tuesday afternoon with a German-French government meeting in Meseberg

Macron: Europe is only complete when it can protect itself

Macron appealed: "Let's wake up! Our Europe is not a supermarket!" Europe is not just a place where people agree on common rules. "It is a pillar of values, culture, individual and political freedoms." He stressed: "We must rediscover the strength and commitment to defend it everywhere, and to do so in every country in the face of these bad winds and extremes." The concerns and the reasons for the anger must be answered with a Europe of respect.

Macron: Europe is "a pillar of values"

Many people said they wanted money from Europe, but not the independence of the judiciary, freedom of the press, cultural diversity, and university autonomy. "This tendency is not a tendency, it is reality in Hungary . It was reality until the wonderful elections in Poland ." Macron added:

These ideas are thriving throughout our democracies and are being given a boost by the extremists, especially the far right.


მაგის პოსტულატები კი ვიცით :დ კიმბრებმა რაო, როგორ აღიქვეს.

ბალანს შიტი არაა ევროპა, მისიააო, დრეზდენში უთქვამს :lolz:

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  • ფორუმელი
1 minute წინ, Freeman said:

ბალანს შიტი არაა ევროპა, მისიააო, დრეზდენში უთქვამს

დედა უგინებია ფაქტიურად :დ

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  • ფორუმელი
1 minute წინ, Freeman said:

მაგის პოსტულატები კი ვიცით :დ კიმბრებმა რაო, როგორ აღიქვეს.

ბალანს შიტი არაა ევროპა, მისიააო, დრეზდენში უთქვამს :lolz:

სენიორ, აქ ჯერ შეფასებები არ გაკეთებულა დასრულდება ვიზიტი და მერე იქნება ეგ სავარაუდოდ.

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  • ფორუმელი

ჯერ ჯერობით მხოლოდ ესაა

Ukraine as a reason for disagreement

The eternal bone of contention over the war in Ukraine and which country supports what in what form has recently led to renewed disagreements between Germany and France . For Demesmay, however, this is a completely normal process.

I mean, we can disagree. That is perfectly normal in this German-French cooperation. We never agreed.


Claire Demesmay, political scientist


But that is an advantage in German-French cooperation. Because Germans and French think differently and have different interests. But if they can then agree, it will really make a difference. "Differences are not a problem in and of themselves."

According to Demesmay, Germany is arguing with numbers: it is paying more than France for aid to Ukraine and that makes a big difference. In France, on the other hand, it is argued that it may be paying less. "But in return it is also supplying real weapons. And these are the so-called cruise airborne weapons , i.e. attack weapons, which France supplies, as does Great Britain ."

Expert: Germany and France bear a lot of responsibility

The fact that there will probably be no hugging photos of Scholz and Macron at the moment is also due to the different temperaments of the two politicians. At this level in politics, you are dealing with professionals, says Demesmay. And professionals are expected not only to talk, but also to find solutions.

Scholz vs. Macron: Who will lead Europe?

"Today, Germany and France have a very great responsibility in the EU . Without them, nothing can move forward. And I think that both Scholz and Macron know that and that they bear this responsibility." Macron's visit to Germany could help to get things moving, says the political scientist.

Lack of interest in Germany among the French

According to Demesmay, outside of politics, the French population views Germany positively - as a likeable and, above all, reliable partner.

At the fringes of the political spectrum, things are different. Germany is being instrumentalized, as is the German-French cooperation in the Rassemblement National, on the right and the left. The issue is the subjugation of France and the dominance of Germany, says Demesmay. "Those are harsh words, but people have not yet understood that."

"The problem, in my opinion, is that interest in Germany has waned in recent years. This can also be seen in the number of students learning German, which is catastrophic." If the trend continues like this, the positive image of Germany in France could eventually be overturned.

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  • მოდერატორი
2 minutes წინ, Seth said:

დედა უგინებია ფაქტიურად :დ

ამაზე უარესი რა უნდა უთხრა გერმანელს :givi:

2 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:

სენიორ, აქ ჯერ შეფასებები არ გაკეთებულა დასრულდება ვიზიტი და მერე იქნება ეგ სავარაუდოდ.

გასაგებია, საინტერესოები გაგვიზიარეთ მერე :დ

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