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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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  • ფორუმელი
43 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

ლისაბონი-პორტ არტურმა მაინცდამაინც ჩაჭაობებულ გურჯაბვეზე თუ უნდა გაიაროს სენიორ, ჯანდაბამდე გზა ქონია ეგეთ გზას თუ პროექტს :boli:

აბსოლუტურად მესმის სენიორ, მაგრამ აუცილებელია მოლოდინების მენეჯმენტი. იმედგაცრუება ყველაზე უარესი რამაა რაც შეიძლება დაგვემართოს. ამ მასშტაბის ბანძობა კი მინიმუმ მესამეა 33 წლიან ისტორიაში :დ 

არც პირველია და არც უკანასკნელი მსგავსი სისულელე ხელ-ბის მხრიდან, ასე რომ დაიკიდეთ. 

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  • მოდერატორი
20 საათის წინ, Seth said:

მიინვაილ ინ ბებერლენდ

Italy PM Meloni announces candidacy at EU election (msn.com)

Von der Leyen opens the door to Europe’s hard right

In POLITICO election debate, Commission president gambles on an offer for Giorgia Meloni’s allies.



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  • ფორუმელი
38 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

Von der Leyen opens the door to Europe’s hard right

In POLITICO election debate, Commission president gambles on an offer for Giorgia Meloni’s allies.




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  • ფორუმელი

აბა ეს როგორ მოგწონთ სენიორეს. 

Exchange of blows on the European election campaign in the glossy studio: Ursula von der Leyen defended her "Green Deal" against criticism - and did not rule out an alliance with right-wing conservatives.It was a friendly reception with which the eight top candidates were welcomed on the stage of a theater and concert hall in the heart of Maastricht. As in the US election campaign, they stood next to each other at lecterns. The format is not entirely new for the European election campaign either.This debate took place before a European election five and ten years ago. It will be held entirely in English and, for those interested, will also be translated into German on a special channel on the Internet. A total of 90 minutes remain for the discussion, which requires strict time management by the two moderators.

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  • ფორუმელი

მწვანეების თავზე შავი ღრუბელი გროვდება.

New “Cicero” revelation from nuclear files: Specialist official was stopped by email

New details on the role of top Green officials under Robert Habeck in the nuclear phase-out: A department head single-handedly strangled the suggestion of a specialist official to procure new fuel elements in France. He ordered by email: “No further activity.”

The publication of previously secret nuclear power files by the magazine “Cicero” last week led to heated political debates and two special meetings of Bundestag committees.

According to the disclosure report, internal concerns about the sense of a timely nuclear phase-out were suppressed in both the economics and environment ministries in spring 2022 - for party political considerations. Both green-led ministries sharply rejected this.

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  • მოდერატორი
1 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

მწვანეების თავზე შავი ღრუბელი გროვდება.

New “Cicero” revelation from nuclear files: Specialist official was stopped by email

New details on the role of top Green officials under Robert Habeck in the nuclear phase-out: A department head single-handedly strangled the suggestion of a specialist official to procure new fuel elements in France. He ordered by email: “No further activity.”

The publication of previously secret nuclear power files by the magazine “Cicero” last week led to heated political debates and two special meetings of Bundestag committees.

According to the disclosure report, internal concerns about the sense of a timely nuclear phase-out were suppressed in both the economics and environment ministries in spring 2022 - for party political considerations. Both green-led ministries sharply rejected this.

ტრი ბუ ნა ლი :დ


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