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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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მგონი კიმბრებში ვადამდელი იქნება მალე

The FDP and the impending traffic light shutdown

Do the Liberals want to collapse the government coalition with their 12-point plan?

The FDP is offending its coalition partners with its 12-point plan for the so-called “economic turnaround”. There is a big crisis in the traffic lights. Does Christian Lindner want to collapse the government coalition?

Christian Lindner and his FDP are known for brisk driving maneuvers. The liberal party leader once surprisingly broke off the Jamaica coalition talks with the CDU/CSU and the Greens.

Now Lindner and his party are repeatedly flirting with the traffic lights being turned off. This is packaged as an “economic turnaround,” and with it the Liberals are irritating their partners to the extreme, questioning pretty much everything that the SPD and the Greens hold dear.

And everyone is wondering: Does anyone want to break up? Does Christian Lindner want to provoke the traffic light partners? Does he want to try something different? ZDF capital city correspondent Britta Buchholz on the question of what Lindner and his liberals really want.

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  • ფორუმელი
8 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:

მგონი კიმბრებში ვადამდელი იქნება მალე

The FDP and the impending traffic light shutdown

Do the Liberals want to collapse the government coalition with their 12-point plan?

The FDP is offending its coalition partners with its 12-point plan for the so-called “economic turnaround”. There is a big crisis in the traffic lights. Does Christian Lindner want to collapse the government coalition?

Christian Lindner and his FDP are known for brisk driving maneuvers. The liberal party leader once surprisingly broke off the Jamaica coalition talks with the CDU/CSU and the Greens.

Now Lindner and his party are repeatedly flirting with the traffic lights being turned off. This is packaged as an “economic turnaround,” and with it the Liberals are irritating their partners to the extreme, questioning pretty much everything that the SPD and the Greens hold dear.

And everyone is wondering: Does anyone want to break up? Does Christian Lindner want to provoke the traffic light partners? Does he want to try something different? ZDF capital city correspondent Britta Buchholz on the question of what Lindner and his liberals really want.

პროცესების დაჩქარებას ცდილობენ როგორც ჩანს სენიორ, ეჩქარება ვატიკანას :დ

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  • ფორუმელი
Posted (შესწორებული)

გერმანიას აწვებიან TAURUS რაკეტების გადაცემაზე პაჭანიკებისთვის.

ამ დროს ფრანგულბრიტანული Storm Shadow ფასითაც და მოქმედების რადიუსითაც თითქმის იგივეა.

მარა არავინ ახსენებს ამათ.

Edited by Houston
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  • მოდერატორი
3 minutes წინ, Houston said:

ფრანგულბრიტანული Storm Shadow

უწყვეტად მიეწოდებათ სენიორ.

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