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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III


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  • ფორუმელი
On 11/28/2024 at 8:34 AM, Freeman said:



ჭკვიანი გოგოა კრისტინა :დ

დღეს ბრიქს ხია ორენჯმა, თქვენი ვალუტა (ან სხვა aka ევრო) არა ისო.


მოვიდა ტარიფებიო :დ



საინტერესო დრო მოდის :დ

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  • ფორუმელი

Brexit makes no sense in a world dominated by Trump. Britain’s place is back in the EU

Jonathan Freedland

It’s one damned thing after another. As Keir Starmer is discovering, government, like life, can feel like a fusillade of events, each coming faster than the one before. If it’s not a cabinet minister resigning over a past fraud conviction, it’s MPs voting for assisted dying – and that’s just in one day. Through that blizzard of news, it can be hard to make out the lasting changes in the landscape – even those that have profound implications for our place in the world.

The November 2024 event that will have the most enduring global impact is the election of Donald Trump. There are some in the higher reaches of the UK government who are surprisingly relaxed about that fact, reassuring themselves that, in effect, we got through it once, we’ll get through it again. Yes, they admit, Trump has nominated some crazy people to lead in areas crucial to the UK-US relationship, such as defence and intelligence, but don’t worry, officials in London will do what they did last time: work with like-minded counterparts in the Washington bureaucracy to bypass the Trump loyalists at the top.


Whether that’s complacency or naivety, it’s a mistake. This is not like last time. As Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, put it to me: “Trump is different and the world is different.” During his first term, Trump was hemmed in by the establishment types he had appointed to key jobs. Now he will be unbound. Back then, there was no war in Europe, China was relatively cooperative and Britain was still in the EU. That’s all changed now.

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  • ფორუმელი
1 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

Jonathan Freedland

სასწაული კაცი ყოფილა ეს :დ ყველაფერი დაწერა იმის opposite როგორც სინამდვილეშია :lolz:

ნიჭი უნდა ამასაც.

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  • ფორუმელი
6 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

შეიშალა სამყარო


რატომ სენიორ? ლოგიკურია ეგ ამბავი. მაგრამ არა მგონია რამე გამოვიდეს მაქედან.

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  • მოდერატორი
3 minutes წინ, Seth said:

რატომ სენიორ? ლოგიკურია ეგ ამბავი. მაგრამ არა მგონია რამე გამოვიდეს მაქედან.

ბრიტანეთში არჩევნების ყიდვის მცდელობა სენიორ? :დ

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