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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III

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:givi: :givi:

CDU and CSU prepare the return of nuclear power

Old reactors are to be put back online, new reactors are to be built. And a committee of inquiry is to prove that the Greens have damaged the country with the nuclear phase-out.

Berlin. The CDU and CSU are clearly committed to nuclear energy. If they win the federal election, the Union parties want to reactivate the nuclear power plants that were recently taken offline. The CSU wants to pass a corresponding resolution at its party conference in Augsburg this weekend. "The CSU calls for the continued use and further development of nuclear energy!", says the corresponding motion, which is available to Handelsblatt. The motion committee recommends that the party conference approve the motion.

"The last nuclear power plants have been shut down, but the dismantling has not yet begun," Sebastian Brehm, head of the CSU's Mittelstandsunion (MU), told Handelsblatt. He had submitted the application with the MU. Framatome, a subsidiary of the French energy group Areva, confirmed that five nuclear reactors that have not yet been dismantled "can be easily reactivated and put back on the grid as quickly as possible."

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  • მოდერატორი
19 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

Framatome, a subsidiary of the French energy group Areva, confirmed that five nuclear reactors that have not yet been dismantled "can be easily reactivated and put back on the grid as quickly as possible."

შიდა პოლიტიკაში ერევიენ? :givi:

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  • ფორუმელი
5 საათის წინ, Freeman said:

შიდა პოლიტიკაში ერევიენ? :givi:

ავეას გერმანული შვილობილი კომპანიაა სენიორ, რომელმაც დათვალა დემონტაჟის საფასური და იმდენად დიდი იყო რომ ფედერალურმა ბიუჯეტს დაეკისრა გადახადა. 

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დღეს კათოლიკების ყრილობა იყო მთავარი მესიჯები 

"External and internal security can no longer be separated," said Merz.

"Cooperation with these Greens as they are today is not possible," he said.

after a possible victory in the federal election. "We will also have to downsize the state apparatus," he said to cheers from his sister party, referring to the "bloated bureaucracy in Berlin's offices."

According to Merz, there are currently 34 commissioners in the federal government alone, "for everything and anything". Of these, only the military commissioner is needed. At this point, the CSU audience also cheered.

The CSU also intends to prepare the reintroduction of conscription and is calling for the establishment of a "drone army" and "cyber brigade" in the Bundeswehr . In addition to the change of times, the party is also calling for an "economic turnaround" with tax cuts and a reduction in bureaucracy. Overtime should be tax-free, and the maximum daily working hours should be replaced by a weekly maximum.

On Friday, CSU leader Markus Söder had already pledged his party's unconditional support for CDU leader Friedrich Merz as candidate for chancellor. "There will be no dispute, there will be no quarrel. We will send Olaf Scholz into retirement together," said Söder at the CSU party conference. He and Merz had spoken at length - "about everything: the candidacy, strategy for the election campaign and for the time afterwards in government. We have reached 100 percent agreement on all points."

On Saturday, he added to these remarks a remarkable oath of loyalty to the guest from Sauerland: "You can rely on the Bavarians - even against some in the CDU."

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  • ფორუმელი
13 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

დღეს კათოლიკების ყრილობა იყო მთავარი მესიჯები 

"External and internal security can no longer be separated," said Merz.

"Cooperation with these Greens as they are today is not possible," he said.

after a possible victory in the federal election. "We will also have to downsize the state apparatus," he said to cheers from his sister party, referring to the "bloated bureaucracy in Berlin's offices."

According to Merz, there are currently 34 commissioners in the federal government alone, "for everything and anything". Of these, only the military commissioner is needed. At this point, the CSU audience also cheered.

The CSU also intends to prepare the reintroduction of conscription and is calling for the establishment of a "drone army" and "cyber brigade" in the Bundeswehr . In addition to the change of times, the party is also calling for an "economic turnaround" with tax cuts and a reduction in bureaucracy. Overtime should be tax-free, and the maximum daily working hours should be replaced by a weekly maximum.

On Friday, CSU leader Markus Söder had already pledged his party's unconditional support for CDU leader Friedrich Merz as candidate for chancellor. "There will be no dispute, there will be no quarrel. We will send Olaf Scholz into retirement together," said Söder at the CSU party conference. He and Merz had spoken at length - "about everything: the candidacy, strategy for the election campaign and for the time afterwards in government. We have reached 100 percent agreement on all points."

On Saturday, he added to these remarks a remarkable oath of loyalty to the guest from Sauerland: "You can rely on the Bavarians - even against some in the CDU."

ქრისტიანუს დემოკრატუს კიმბრუს.


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  • ფორუმელი
2 საათის წინ, Freeman said:

@Deutschlandაგენისგან გამოვა რამე სენიორ? არა ბატონო :lolz:



არაფერი სენიორ, რა უნდა გამოვიდეს, ბოლო გაფართხალება იქნება 25 ში. 

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  • მოდერატორი

იტალია წელიწადში 36,000 თავშესაფრის მაძიებელს გააგზავნის ალბანეთის ბანაკში :დ

ჯორჯას სახე :givi: :inlove:



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