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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი III

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1 საათის წინ, Nujabes said:

ჩვენთვის რა იცვლება სენიორ? პატრონიც კი არ შეგვეცლვება, ხომ ასეა?

ჩვენთვის ამ ეტაპზე არაფერი, იმჰო

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EU 'crisis' as France's Le Pen could join forces with Putin crony in massive shake up (msn.com)


აჰამ, ერთი ჯორჯია აკლიათ და სერიოზული თავისტკივილია ურსუ-სთვის... იქით ტრამპაცუმპამ თუ გაიმარჯვა ხომ საერთოდ :დ

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The new British government wants to significantly improve economic relations with the EU.

Trade Minister Reynolds speaks of pragmatism. The last constituency has now been counted.The new British government wants to work more closely with the EU on trade issues. This is what Trade Minister Jonathan Reynolds told Sky News. Britain and the European Union, for example, have the same food standards. "If we can sell more whisky and salmon in a market that is so important to us, then we should explore such opportunities."The politician from the social democratic Labour Party blamed the previous Conservative government for problems in trade. "To be honest, it is very much in Britain's national interest to build a relationship with Europe that is not determined by the internal politics of the Conservative Party," said Reynolds.

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დიდი ალბათობით ამას გასკვანცავენ და მწვანეებს ისტორიულ მინიმუმზე დაიყვანენ. 

Did Habeck deceive the public?

Did Vice Chancellor Habeck deceive the public and not examine the continued operation of the nuclear power plants in an open-minded manner? A committee of inquiry is now supposed to clarify this.

A Bundestag committee of inquiry into Germany's nuclear phase-out has begun its work. The task of the members is "to look into the state decision-making processes for adapting the national energy supply to the supply situation changed by the war against Ukraine," said Parliament President Bärbel Bas at the start of the committee's first meeting in the evening.

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  • ფორუმელი
2 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

მწვანეებს ისტორიულ მინიმუმზე დაიყვანენ. 

ასე იცის ჩვენი რომ ვიცით იმან სენიორ

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Macron sticks with Attal as prime minister

After the government's election defeat, French Prime Minister Attal offered to resign. President Macron has now rejected this in order to "ensure the stability of the country".French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal remains in office despite the government's defeat in the parliamentary elections. President Emmanuel Macron has rejected Attal's request to resign "for the time being" and asked him to remain in office to "ensure the stability of the country," the Elysée Palace said.Attal announced his resignation on Sunday evening following the projections. However, he said he was prepared to stay in office longer, "as long as duty requires." It has already been suspected that he could stay in office for a few more weeks to take care of day-to-day business - also with an eye on the Olympic Games, which begin in Paris on July 26.

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Posted (შესწორებული)
4 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

მწვანეებს ისტორიულ მინიმუმზე დაიყვანენ. 

მწვანეები სოფლის ხალხია ჰერ დოიჩ.

ზოგადად )

Edited by Houston
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  • ფორუმელი
31 minutes წინ, Houston said:

მწვანეები სოფლის ხალხია ჰერ დოიჩ.

ზოგადად )

ისტორიულ მინიმუმზეა მაგათი რეიტინგი სენიორ 10%, ისევე როგორც მთელი შუქნიშნის. 

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