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What is the project management lifecycle?

The project management lifecycle is a step-by-step framework of best practices used to shepherd a project from its beginning to its end. It provides project managers a structured way to create, execute, and finish a project.

This project management process generally includes four phases: initiating, planning, executing, and closing. Some may also include a fifth “monitoring and controlling” phase between the executing and closing stages. By following each step, a project team increases the chance of achieving its goals.

The project management lifecycle provides projects with structure and tools to ensure they have the best chance of being successful. As a project manager, it’s a process you’ll want to know well.

The Project Management Lifecycle: 4 Steps

1. Initiating

In the initiation phase, you’ll define the project. You’ll sort out the project goals, scope, and resources of the project, and what roles are needed on the team. Clarifying what stakeholders expect out of the project, and what exactly the project is aiming to achieve (and why) will give the project and team clear direction.

This is a crucial phase to the project’s success. Without clarity around what needs to be achieved and why, the project runs the risk of not accomplishing the end goals and meeting the expectations of stakeholders.

Some steps in the initiation phase include:

    Communicating with stakeholders to understand the purpose and desired outcomes of the project

    Identifying project scope

    Determining SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound)

    Clarifying resources like budget and time constraints

    Confirming team size and roles required

    Determining how often and which stakeholders will be involved throughout the project

    Compiling a project proposal and project charter

Tools and documents used in the initiation phase can include:

    Project proposal: The project proposal defines a project and outlines key dates, requirements, and goals.

    Project charter: This is a definitive document that describes the project and main details necessary to reach its goals. This can include potential risks, benefits, constraints, and key stakeholders.

    RACI chart: A RACI chart plots the roles and responsibilities of members on a project team.

2. Planning

In the planning phase, you’ll determine the steps to actually achieve the project goals—the “how” of completing a project.

You’ll establish budgets, timelines, and milestones, and source materials and necessary documents. This step also involves calculating and predicting risk, putting change processes into place, and outlining communication protocols. If the initiation phase is assembling your troops, the planning phase is deciding what to do with them.

The planning phase can include the following steps:

    Deciding on milestones that lead up to goal completion

    Developing a schedule for tasks and milestones, including time estimates and potential time buffers

    Establishing change processes

    Determining how and how often to communicate with team members and stakeholders

    Creating and signing documents such as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or requests for proposal (RFPs)

    Assessing and managing risk by creating a risk register

    Holding a kick-off meeting to start project

Tools you might use in a this phase include:

    Gantt chart: A horizontal bar chart in which members can see what tasks must be completed in what order, and how long each is expected to take

    Risk register: A chart that lists risks associated with the project, along with their probability, potential impact, risk level, and mitigation plans

3. Execute and complete tasks

Executing a project means putting your plan into action and keeping the team on track. Generally this means tracking and measuring progress, managing quality, mitigating risk, managing the budget, and using data to inform your decisions.

Specific steps might include:

    Using tools like GANTT or burndown charts to track progress on tasks

    Responding to risks when they manifest

    Recording costs

    Keeping team members motivated and on task

    Keeping stakeholders informed of progress

    Incorporating changes via change requests

Some tools you might use include:

    Change requests: These are documents used to propose changes to a project’s scope or goals

    Burndown chart: This chart breaks down tasks on a granular level and visualises the amount of time remaining

4. Close projects

In the closing phase of the project management lifecycle, you’ll conclude project activities, turn the finished product or service over to its new owners, and assess the things that went well and didn’t go so well. It’ll also be a time to celebrate your hard work.

Steps in the closing phase can include:

    Conducting retrospectives and take notes of changes you can implement in the future

    Communicating to stakeholders of the end of the project and providing an impact report

    Communicating with the new owners of a project

    Creating a project closeout report

    Celebrating the end of the project and your successes

Tools used in the closing phase include:

    Impact report: This report compiles a series of metrics that showcase how your project made a difference and is presented to your stakeholders.

    Project closeout report: A project closeout report provides a summary of your project’s accomplishments, and provides key learnings for future project managers to reference.



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