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Macron Says Ukraine Joining EU Still 'Far Off'

"We are very far from effective enlargement to Ukraine and, in any case, enlargement, whatever it may be, will require an in-depth reform of our rules and therefore this will only be possible with an massive funding increase," he said.

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On 12/14/2023 at 1:41 AM, Freeman said:

It would be a 'geostrategic disaster', said Schallenberg, if the EU dismisses the Western Balkans in favour of Ukraine when it comes to making the decision to open negotiations at this week's European Council meeting.

მეჩეთის მორიგე ოპერმა, ავსტრიას რაიფეიზენის უკრაინულ სანქციებში (!!! :givi:, უკრაინულში!) მოხვედრა აწუხებს და მაგიტომ ისაო


ვინ იკადრა ეგ? :D


I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

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Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • ფორუმელი
3 საათის წინ, Freeman said:

Macron Says Ukraine Joining EU Still 'Far Off'

"We are very far from effective enlargement to Ukraine and, in any case, enlargement, whatever it may be, will require an in-depth reform of our rules and therefore this will only be possible with an massive funding increase," he said.

რა თქმა უნდა. ამ ეტაპზე პაჭანიკებისთვის უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი ფულია.

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France’s far-right National Rally lawmakers claim Macron’s party is taking a leaf from their playbook.

PARIS ― Far-right leader Marine Le Pen has claimed “an ideological victory” as Emmanuel Macron’s government reached a compromise with hardline conservatives on a beleaguered immigration bill.

The French president’s centrist coalition moved towards introducing a much tougher immigration bill than initially planned on Tuesday, with the government agreeing to harden the access to state benefits for recently-arrived immigrants. The proposals echo some of the far right’s long-time obsessions, including the ideas of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the National Rally party, who campaigned in favor of a “national preference,” which meant excluding foreigners from state benefits and council housing.

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Sweden, France strengthen cooperation on nuclear

The partnership should also cover the fuel cycle, improving security of supply and the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste; research and development, in particular the development of research centres; and human resources in the nuclear sector by facilitating the exchange of experience. [Union européenne, 2023]

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