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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი II


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2 საათის წინ, t-90 said:

იმედია ეს არა

იმედები არ არსებობს სენიორ.

თუ დრონები ირანმა ჰარმენებსაც მისცა გაბლატავებულ აზერებს დააწიოკებენ

ჩინეთმა ტოესწ )

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  • მოდერატორი

France announces it will withdraw from controversial energy treaty

France became the latest European country to pull out of a controversial energy treaty on Friday, stating it is not compatible with the Paris climate accord.

The Energy Charter Treaty was signed in 1994 and has more than 50 signatories, including the European Union, and is meant to promote "international cooperation in the energy sector."

Initially, the Energy Charter process aimed to integrate the energy sectors of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe at the end of the Cold War into the broader European and world markets.


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  • მოდერატორი
11 საათის წინ, Deutschland said:

ეს ვიზიტი საერთოდ არ იყო დაგეგმილი, ასე სასწრაფოდ რატომ ჩანიშნეს თან ბიზნეს დელეგაციითურთ

Germany's Scholz confirms visit to China in November with business delegation

France's Macron: Sale of European Strategic Infrastructure to China Was an Error

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that the European Union had to re-think its trade dialogue with China, calling for a more even playing field between the two commercial power houses.

"We have made strategic errors in the past with the sale of infrastructures to China," Macron said at the end of two-day EU summit which had EU-China ties on its agenda.


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  • მოდერატორი

რას აკეთებს კაი შვებულება და ხარისხიანი რუჯი, ხოდზეა გერა :lolz:


Posted Yesterday at 1:06 PM
Updated October 21

Macron accuses U.S. of trade ‘double standard’ amid energy crunch

On Friday, Macron called out U.S. and Norway as energy producers who make "the real superprofits" benefitting from "geopolitical war unearned income."

Posted Yesterday at 1:06 PM
Updated October 21

Macron accuses U.S. of trade ‘double standard’ amid energy crunch

On Friday, Macron called out U.S. and Norway as energy producers who make "the real superprofits" benefitting from "geopolitical war unearned income."

French President Emmanuel Macron slammed U.S. trade and energy policies for creating “a double standard” with Europe as resentment builds over the economic price the continent is paying over Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“The North American economy is making choices for the sake of attractiveness, which I respect, but they create a double standard” with lower energy prices domestically while selling natural gas to Europe at record prices, Macron said at a news conference in Brussels following a meeting of European Union leaders.

“In addition they allow state aid going to up to 80% on some sectors while it’s banned here – you get a double standard,” he added. “It comes down to the sincerity of transatlantic trade,” he added.

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  • ფორუმელი
8 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

რას აკეთებს კაი შვებულება და ხარისხიანი რუჯი, ხოდზეა გერა :lolz:


Posted Yesterday at 1:06 PM
Updated October 21

Macron accuses U.S. of trade ‘double standard’ amid energy crunch

On Friday, Macron called out U.S. and Norway as energy producers who make "the real superprofits" benefitting from "geopolitical war unearned income."


Posted Yesterday at 1:06 PM
Updated October 21

Macron accuses U.S. of trade ‘double standard’ amid energy crunch

On Friday, Macron called out U.S. and Norway as energy producers who make "the real superprofits" benefitting from "geopolitical war unearned income."

French President Emmanuel Macron slammed U.S. trade and energy policies for creating “a double standard” with Europe as resentment builds over the economic price the continent is paying over Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“The North American economy is making choices for the sake of attractiveness, which I respect, but they create a double standard” with lower energy prices domestically while selling natural gas to Europe at record prices, Macron said at a news conference in Brussels following a meeting of European Union leaders.

“In addition they allow state aid going to up to 80% on some sectors while it’s banned here – you get a double standard,” he added. “It comes down to the sincerity of transatlantic trade,” he added.

ბრუციანის მეუღლე კიარადა, თვით გეროა აქ დარეგისტრირებული :დ


ეს არის მიმართული არა სოფელი/ვიკინგებისკენ არამედ, როგორც სენიორ ერიკმა მოსწრებულად უწოდა, კიმბრებისკენ. უფრო სწორად კიმბრების კოალიციისკენ. 



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  • ფორუმელი
1 საათის წინ, Eric said:

იმედები არ არსებობს სენიორ.

თუ დრონები ირანმა ჰარმენებსაც მისცა გაბლატავებულ აზერებს დააწიოკებენ

ჩინეთმა ტოესწ )


აზერებს რო თავზე არ გადაეჯვათ და გახვრეტილი კასკების ხეივანი არ მოეწყო მაზუთხანს თემურლენგივით შეირგებდა იმ მოგებას და დანარჩენის საშუალებაც ექნებოდა.

მარა არაა ილხამა მამამისი.

I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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