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1 საათის წინ, Freeman said:

‘Canal War’ Breaking Out in Greater Caspian Region

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 18 Issue: 69

By: Paul Goble

April 29, 2021 08:01 PM Age: 7 hours



The Volga-Don canal in Russia (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Turkey’s plan to build a canal bypassing the Bosporus Strait and potentially upsetting the Montreux Convention (see EDM, February 9) along with Russia’s movement of warships from the Caspian to the Sea of Azov via the Volga–Don Canal in order to threaten Ukraine (see EDM, April 13) highlight the ways in which artificial waterways can play a significant geopolitical role—possibly as dramatically as the late-19th century “Railway Wars” did in the Middle East. Those two developments have attracted widespread international attention in and of themselves. But a broader trend, likely to play an increasing role in the geopolitics of the greater Caspian region, has yet to garner notice. That is the emergence of competition among existing and planned canal systems from the Caspian to the Black Sea, on the one hand, and to the Indian Ocean, on the other.

At present, the only waterway linking the Caspian Sea and the world ocean is the Volga–Don Canal, an aging structure with numerous locks and a low capacity because of the shallowness of many parts of its course and because it is open for navigation for only part of the year (see EDM, August 6, 2020). However, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has begun pushing for the canal to be widened, deepened, and provided with more water so that these limitations can be lifted. Such a project would require the investment of enormous resources, on the scale of billions or even tens of billions of dollars (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, April 16; Vestnik, April 22).


Given the geo-economic and geopolitical consequences of such a canal, it is not surprising that it has generated intense opposition from the West. In 1997, the United States warned Iran that it would impose sanctions on any company that participated in the construction of such an artificial channel But now that Moscow apparently feels free to ignore such a sanctions threat, Russian firms (with the backing of the Russian government) see this as profitable both to themselves and, importantly, as part of Russia’s standing up to the West. Moreover, Russian officials believe this will help them expand their relations with China, which could make use of this route and limit Beijing’s willingness to use rail lines across the South Caucasus and Turkey (Stoletie, April 16).


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ყირგიზეთ ტაჯიკეთის საზღვარზე რა ხდება?

გუშინ გაივარჯიშეს ცოტა , მხრები გაშალეს , მოთელვა ჰქონდათ

შტატებმა 15 ივნისამდის ყველმა პატიოსანმა ამერიკელმა დატოვეთ რუსეთიო.

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2 საათის წინ, Eric said:

ყირგიზეთ ტაჯიკეთის საზღვარზე რა ხდება?

წყლის პონტია ;)

წყლის შემკრებ სათაო ნაგებობაზე მიდის დაკა-დაკა 

2 საათის წინ, Eric said:

შტატებმა 15 ივნისამდის ყველმა პატიოსანმა ამერიკელმა დატოვეთ რუსეთიო.

ვაა, ეს არ ვიცოდი .... რა ხდება სენიორ ???

თავდაპირველად იყო სიტყვაი და სიტყვაი იყო ღმრთისა თანა და ღმერთი იყო სიტყვაი იგი ...

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  • ფორუმელი
4 საათის წინ, Eric said:

შტატებმა 15 ივნისამდის ყველმა პატიოსანმა ამერიკელმა დატოვეთ რუსეთიო.

ვისაც ვიზა ეწურებათ, იმათ ეხება. დროზე მოაგვარეთ ან წამოდითო

2 საათის წინ, kvipriane said:

წყლის პონტია ;)


+1 ლოკალური ინციდენტი ჩანს


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4 საათის წინ, Eric said:

ყირგიზეთ ტაჯიკეთის საზღვარზე რა ხდება?

სენიორ ერიკ, - აბა ამ ორ ვიდეოს შორის  ხუთ, კიარადა ორ განსხვავებას თუ იპოვნით ? ;)


თავდაპირველად იყო სიტყვაი და სიტყვაი იყო ღმრთისა თანა და ღმერთი იყო სიტყვაი იგი ...

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"To protect Europe, we need powerful, well-equipped army forces"

Rheinmetall boss Armin Papperger sees a connection between sustainability and security, is not afraid of a green federal government and expects fuel cells as an energy source in every cellar.

WirtschaftsWoche: Mr Papperger, Rheinmetall has so far mainly made a living from the sale of heavy weapon systems such as the Puma infantry fighting vehicle.  Now you want to get into the business of alternative energies such as hydrogen, become climate neutral by 2035 and stop building controversial weapons.  Do you need to improve your controversial image?
 Armin Papperger: Of course not.  We work for the security of the population of the Federal Republic and the other NATO countries and provide 15,000 high-quality jobs in Germany.  What should be questionable or unethical about that?  If we want more sustainability in Germany, we also need more commitment to safety.  We are just as valuable in that respect as vaccine manufacturers.

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41 minutes წინ, Eric said:

ქრისტე აღსდგა

სენიორას და სენიორეს

ჭეშმარიტად აღდგა 

გილოცავთ ყველას


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