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European election defeat : CDU demands consequences from Scholz

Update from June 10, 8:20 a.m.: CDU politician Jens Spahn is also of the opinion that the traffic light coalition has served its purpose after the preliminary final result of the European elections. In Caren Miosga's program on Sunday evening on ARD, he said that Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had "lost the connection to his people" and that this "will not come back".

Scholz turned the European elections into a vote on his government by presenting himself on European election posters across the country. He presented himself as a "peace chancellor" and "deportation chancellor," but failed to reach the citizens. The result of the European elections was the "fourth slap in the face" for the traffic light coalition in a row, said Spahn.

European election result is “final warning” to traffic light coalition

Update from June 10, 6:30 a.m.: CDU leader Friedrich Merz has called on the federal government to correct its course in the next few days. This is urgently necessary in the interests of the country. Election night is now "the real last warning" for the traffic light coalition before the federal election next year.

The coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP is damaging Germany. This applies to domestic policy, for example with the decisions on migration issues, but also to economic policy. CSU leader Markus Söder said: "The traffic light coalition has de facto been voted out by the citizens

European elections live: Union demands vote of confidence from Scholz

Update from June 9, 6:58 p.m .: After the victory in the European elections, the Union is questioning the government work of the traffic light coalition. After the publication of the first projections, Union parliamentary group vice-chairman Jens Spahn (CDU) suggested to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) that he should ask a vote of confidence. "The traffic light coalition has been voted out once again," said Spahn in an initial reaction. Scholz no longer has a majority among the population for his policies. CDU leader Friedrich Merz spoke of a "disaster" for the traffic light parties.

Edited by Deutschland
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‘Too early’ to discuss von der Leyen’s second term, says Meloni

კაბიანი ბენიტო ვაჟნობს :დ



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@Deutschland კონტექსტი - სამ კვირაში არჩევნებია. კრიზისის სიმულაციის შემთხვევაში მარინა შეიძლება სუსტად გამოჩნდეს


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ეჰ გერა, რა პოტენციალი გაანიავე ბიჯო

გურჯხანატის კარმა წამოგეწია? ჯერ სად ხართ, პუტან :boli:



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and what is our Chancellor doing now?

French President after the EU elections: “I can’t pretend nothing has happened” ++ What options does Olaf Scholz have for Germany

The SPD debacle in the European elections is putting Olaf Scholz (65, SPD) under massive pressure: The CDU is demanding new elections. The Chancellor is supposed to clear the way for an early federal election. The reason: Scholz and his traffic light government were voted out.

Election campaign veteran Matthias Machnig (64, SPD) warns: "For the SPD, these are existential questions." The current vice president of the SPD Economic Forum adds: "The party can neither smile away nor sit it out."

French President Emmanuel Macron (46), who also had a disastrous result, has already reacted - and dissolved the National Assembly. New elections will be held on June 30. "I can't pretend nothing has happened," Macron explained his decision.

And the Chancellor? He remains stubborn so far. The SPD unanimously says: Olaf Scholz is staying! But how long does he want to remain inactive?

რა ეპითეტებია

Markus Söder calls for new elections: “Olaf Scholz is a king without a country”


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  • მოდერატორი
23 minutes წინ, Deutschland said:

Markus Söder calls for new elections: “Olaf Scholz is a king without a country”


მაგარი გაუჩალიჩა კეფას გერამ 

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