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Moldova signs security and defense pact with EU

The partnership will function as an umbrella arrangement for all interactions between Moldova and EU, according to Chișinău’s foreign ministry.

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In competition with the dollar and euro: Brics states Russia and Iran are pushing for their own currencies

The hegemony of the dollar is a thorn in the side of the BRICS states. One country wants to present the new currency “soon".

In the run-up to the Brics summit in Kazan in October 2024, there is again increasing talk about introducing our own currency. For the Brics members Brazil, China , India, Russia and South Africa, it is the largest project since the confederation of states was founded. The Brics new member Iran wants to move away from the hated dollar even faster than planned since joining the group of states.

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France takes a major leap in its tactical nuclear capability after test-firing an air-launched nuclear missile from a Rafale fighter jet for the first time.

The upgraded supersonic nuclear-capable ASMPA cruise missile has a speed of Mach 3+ and a range of 500+ km

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German president warns democracy faces new challenges

Leading the 75th anniversary celebrations of Germany's constitution, President Steinmeier has spoken on the role of the "Basic Law" in bolstering a free democratic state.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Thursday gave a speech at a state ceremony in Berlin to mark 75 years since the establishment of Germany's constitution, or Basic Law, warning that the democratic principles it enshrines are under pressure.

His remarks on the importance of the rule of law and democracy for a peaceful society come as cases of violence against German politicians and politically motivated crimes are on the rise.

Some 1,000 police officers were deployed to ensure security at the event. 

What did the president say?

In his speech, Steinmeier said that democracy in Germany was a success but was not perpetually guaranteed.

"At present, there are forces gathering strength here as well that want to undermine and weaken it, that despise its institutions and insult and denigrate its representatives," he said.

"We all bear responsibility for a political culture that is compatible with democracy," he said, saying that violence as a means of expressing political opinions had to be resolutely banned.

Steinmeier said that people had to realize that they were living in a "radically changed reality."

"After decades of more prosperity, more democracy, more Europe, more freedom, the success of German reunification, we are now experiencing an epochal transformation," he said, adding that Russia's invasion of Ukraine had brought war back to Europe.

He said that Germany was facing "rough and harder years" but called for courage in confronting the new challenges,

"The answer cannot and should not be faintheartedness and self-doubt," he said, adding that it would be just as wrong to constantly "evoke the collapse of our country."

"We have to assert ourselves — with realism and ambition," he said. A strong society knows the value of freedom, he said.

What is Germany's Basic Law?

The Basic Law came into effect in on May 23, 1949, in what was then West Germany.

It was called "Basic Law" (German: Grundgesetz) to indicate that it was a provisional piece of legislation pending the reunification of East and West Germany, which then happened in 1990.

Its first section guarantees fundamental rights, with the first sentence being: "Human dignity shall be inviolable."

That first line was drafted in response to the unprecedented crimes of Nazi Germany, a country responsible both for World War II and the Holocaust: the murder of 6 million Jews and many others throughout Europe.

While you're here: Every Tuesday, DW editors round up what is happening in German politics and society. Sign up here for the weekly email newsletter Berlin Briefing.

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ურსულა ფონ დერ ლაიენი - ევროკავშირი უნდა მოემზადოს შესაძლო ომისთვის და მიიღოს ზომები ერთობლივი შეიარაღებისთვის

უკრაინაში რუსეთის შეჭრისა და რუსეთის პრეზიდენტ ვლადიმერ პუტინის არაერთგზის მუქარის ფონზე, ევროკავშირი უნდა მოემზადოს შესაძლო ომისთვის და მიიღოს ზომები ერთობლივი შეიარაღებისთვის, - „დოიჩე ველეს“ ინფორმაციით, ამის შესახებ ევროკომისიის პრეზიდენტმა, ურსულა ფონ დერ ლაიენმა გერმანულ მედიასთან ინტერვიუში განაცხადა.

”ვინც პუტინის მსგავსად ლაპარაკობს და იქცევა, არ სურს მშვიდობა, არამედ აპირებს გააგრძელოს”, - აღნიშნა ურსულა ფონ დერ ლაიენმა.

ფონ დერ ლაიენმა, რომელიც ადრე გერმანიის თავდაცვის სამინისტროს ხელმძღვანელობდა, ხაზი გაუსვა უკრაინის მუდმივი მხარდაჭერისა და ამავე დროს საკუთარი თავდაცვის შესაძლებლობების გაძლიერების მნიშვნელობას.

”თუ ჩვენ გვსურს შევინარჩუნოთ მშვიდობა ჩვენს კონტინენტზე, მაშინ გვჭირდება ინვესტიცია თავდაცვაში”, - აღნიშნა ევროკომისიის ხელმძღვანელმა.

მისი თქმით, თავდაცვისუნარიანობის გაძლიერების ღონისძიებების დაფინანსება ევროკავშირის წევრი ქვეყნების შენატანებიდან მიღებული საბიუჯეტო სახსრებით უნდა განხორციელდეს.

აღსანიშნავია, რომ ევროკავშირის დამფუძნებელი შეთანხმებები ითვალისწინებს საერთო თავდაცვის პოლიტიკას, მაგრამ არ ითვალისწინებს სამხედრო და თავდაცვის მიზნებისთვის ოპერატიული ხარჯების ევროკავშირის ბიუჯეტიდან დაფინანსებას.

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