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ანუ რა ხდება ეუროპაში ? სეზონი II


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აჰა, გამოდის/არ გამოდის, მაგრამ თანმიმდევრულები მაინც არიან :gigi:

DAVOS, Switzerland — The European Union does not see eye-to-eye with the United States when it comes to opposing China, the French finance minister told CNBC Friday.

Speaking at a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, looking at the economic outlook, France's Bruno Le Maire said: "China cannot be out, China must be in. This is the difference of view we have between the U.S. and Europe.

"We don't want to oppose China, we want to engage with China, we want China to obey by the same rules," he said, "this is our policy."

The United States has taken a confrontational approach with China particularly when it comes to the technology sector. The European Union, however, has looked at striking a balance between its political friendship with the U.S. and its economic ties with China.

France's President Emmanuel Macron is reportedly planning a trip to China in the coming weeks to discuss energy and trade, as well as the broader consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Data from Europe's statistics office showed that China was the third-largest partner for EU exports of goods in 2021, and the largest partner for imports.


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  • მოდერატორი

გერა ინ ექშენ 

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron has announced plans to significantly increase France’s military budget by a third to prepare the nuclear-armed country for new threats posed by the war in Ukraine and other global challenges.

Macron unveiled plans Friday for a funding boost of €413 billion that would be used toward modernizing France’s armed forces in the 2024-2030 period, up from €295 billion in the previous budget.

“After having repaired the armed forces, we will transform them. But we must also be prepared to transform ourselves, we need to be ready for more brutal, more numerous and more ambiguous wars,” he told officers gathered at an air base in southwestern France.

We need to be one war ahead,” Macron said.


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  • მოდერატორი

მეტი დეტალი:

Macron also spoke of “hardening” the military’s current capabilities under the proposed plan, including transitioning France’s Air Force to a 100% Rafale fighter fleet, away from the current mix of Rafales and Mirage 2000s, both built by Dassault Aviation. He did not elaborate on how that transition might occur.

Other priorities include reinforcing the prowess and protection of France’s frigates, the ongoing modernization of its terrestrial systems, and buttressing its air defense and anti-submarine warfare capabilities. He confirmed that France’s next aircraft carrier – known as PANG for porte-avion nouvelle generation – will be built under this budget, and called for the development of new long-range guided munitions, with a twofold funding increase to do so.

Macron also cited the need for France to invest in quantum technologies, and to more seamlessly integrate drone and artificial intelligence capabilities into its services. He reinforced the need for France to invest in undersea technologies that can reach depths of 6,000 meters, and announced plans to soon unveil a new “overseas strategy” that would support the nation’s overseas territories, calling the Indo-Pacific region the primary potential theater for future conflict.

In his Friday speech, the president also issued a call to France’s defense industry to increase their efficiency and availability in producing new capabilities. Production cycles need to be shortened, and costs must be better controlled, he noted.

Despite the considerable increase in funding over the previous law, the 2024-2030 LPM contains “no luxuries, no pleasures, no comforts,” Macron claimed. “There is only what is necessary.” @t-90გერა გკითხულობთ სენიორ :gigi:

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  • ფორუმელი

@Freeman სენიორ რა გაცინებთ გერას ომი გამოუცხადებაი ფაქტიურად :D

მა გერონტოფილი მაი მაგას ცოლი დოუბერდა :D

მორჩა ბერგჰოფების გულაობა და შლაინინგის პროცესი თვალსა და ხელს შუა :D

I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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  • მოდერატორი
2 minutes წინ, t-90 said:

სენიორ რა გაცინებთ გერას

არ დავინახო ყავის აპარატები, ხალათები და ჩუსტები ტანკშიო )) :დ

პ.ს. აქცენტი ავიაცია, ფლოტი, დაზვერვა, ციფრული ტექნოლოგიები.

ამას კუნძული ხო არ გონია საფრანგეთი  :boli:

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  • ფორუმელი
7 minutes წინ, Freeman said:

აქცენტი ავიაცია, ფლოტი, დაზვერვა, ციფრული ტექნოლოგიები.

როგორც ჩანს ანგლოებზე აქვს სწორება გეროს. 

მაჟინიოსთვის მზადებას არ გავს ეს. :givi:

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  • ფორუმელი
1 minute წინ, Freeman said:

არ დავინახო ყავის აპარატები, ხალათები და ჩუსტები ტანკშიო )) :დ

იმენა გვკითხულობენ :D

ამ დროს ქართველი ექსპერტები ამტკიცებენ რო უკრაინა და ევროპა გაიყინება თუ რუსეთი გაზს გამოურთავს. :D

და ამ  დროს სენიორ ესეთი დარმავოი ყლეობების ძახილში იღებენ ტონა მაყუთს და მე ვზივარ და CO და NO3 სენსორების სპეციფიკაციებს ვკითხულობ. :D


I killed my master. Why did he then give me a weapon?"

Sometimes, a single knife in the dark can do more than a thousand swords.

შენ ხარ კაცი Victorinox-ი... ©098

Why carry a gun? Because 1911 > 911.

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